Thursday, July 25, 2019

Messianic Prophecies Are Accurate

Quoted in Breaking Israel News, a multiple of timely, messianic* prophecies were fulfilled in 2018. This included the Dead Sea coming back to life, the boulder falling out of the Wailing Wall, the snake pushed out the Wailing Wall, the red heifer's birth being the first in 2000 years, the mist on Temple Mount and 2018/2019's first official Jubilee Year in 2000 years. In the Breaking Israel News article, Rabbi Pinchas Winston is correct in stating "the people who are prepared to look at the big picture will be able to connect the dots in a way that makes more sense than trying to explain everything in strictly natural terms." I'm the person that's connected these dots because the above is synching with my life's soul mission milestones aka, phase two of G-d messianic plan for Planet Earth.

This rabbi and others mention these incidents are in preparation of the End of Days (Dead Sea Scrolls). This is incorrect since the End of Days wasn't a physical was a spiritual one. It took place on the 2nd December 2018, the first night of Chanukah. I know this because I saw it during my vision as I slept, in real time while a relative was in the midst of a synagogue exorcism. A rite that I and two other rabbis initiated. The timing of the End of Days aligns perfectly with other dot to dots including the following:-

Since 2011, the Dead Sea started to come back to life, documented with fish and sinkholes appearing. This was the same time I started my ecommerce company, myTab. In 2018, as I was knee deep screaming for religious help to rid me of spiritual unsavories, more fish and sinkholes appeared. After 120,000 years, the Dead Sea is dead no longer.

On the 23rd July 2018 (Tisha B'Av), a massive boulder fell out the Wailing Wall and nearly killed a female, praying mere inches away. This was the same day the church suggested I contact my (now prior) synagogue to help, yet the shule leader mocked me and stormed out, refusing to cooperate. In floods of tears that night, I approached a new shule who embraced me without hesitation and the rabbi believed my traumatic tale. NB: I never spell it 'shul.'

On the 28th August 2018, the first red heifer in 2000 years was born. That was the same day the church confirmed a different, recommended rabbi would come on board to help me. This rabbi also believed my story and laid the seeds that led to the relative's rite (End of Days).

On Yom Kippur 2018, the Jubilee Year commenced. The Jubilee Year is not official unless there's a red heifer knocking around. That heifer was born a few weeks earlier, validating the first Jubilee Year in two centuries.

On the 30th September 2018, a walking, protective mist appeared on Temple Mount in the section assigned for women in the old temple days. That day, I asked a friend demand the relative take responsibility for their premeditated, horrifying, spiritual warfare on me after the relative had blatantly disregarded my shrieks for help throughout the prior months. The friend agreed and the mist appeared. This led to the relative making a stunningly fatal mistake, cited in the DSS.

On the 31st October 2018, a snake was pushed out of the women's section at the Wailing Wall. This date was during two calls I had with the relative's rabbi, who was adding final touches for the relative's upcoming exorcism. The snake was pushed out in sheer humiliation, completely exposed to the women, weeks before the triumphant rite.

The boulder, snake and mist were intentionally female related. I was deliberately marked with spiritual warfare for 40 years including 20 years of persistent attacks. As a woman, the above prophecies dot connected to tremendously important milestones in my life that resulted in the End of Days. There's no such thing as a coincidence in dates, times and events.

Lecha Dodi, the famous mystical Friday shabbat song that baffles experts, was written by 16th century Rabbi Shlomo Halevi Alkabetz. He was one of the greatest kabbalists and poets of his era. His song was published in 1585, over 350 years before the DSS was discovered. Rabbi Alkabetz was ahead of his time and spot on with his lyrics that tells my messianic uprising story: Vales of tears from suffering for 40 years with oppression; Shaking off the dust now the End of Days has passed; Waking up for phase two's soul mission messianic messenger role; The poor will enjoy the Garden of Eden during their lifetime; The city will rebuild on its former mound with the Third Temple, Jerusalem; Plunderers will be treated the same way = the relative and all that abandoned or mocked me will receive G-d's wrath; All that devour me will be kept at bay = the relative and mockers/abandoners will never come near me again.

* Note, no human will ever be a messiah. There are only messengers. On the 15th February 2019, Zion (the universal messianic era) commenced. Metaphor Zion was in my vision as a baby boy and he's simply adorable.

I have over 40 proofs of evidence, including witnesses, matching my life to the DSS and this blog post's prophecies so this is no pie-in-the-sky article. The full story is in my autobiography Living Off The Irony with volumes five & six providing the specifics to the above. The final messianic prophecy event is imminent. I believe it'll be during or shortly after Tisha B'Av if my timelines are accurate. On that same day, something will happen most likely in Israel that'll generate headline news and I'll experience a profound milestone that'll launch pad phase two of my soul mission: Bereshit.

I wrote my autobio so I don't have to keep rehashing it out to all and sundry. Therefore, this will be my only blog post on the topic.

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